Tickets for the 4th Annual Spring Dance Recital
will go on Sale Friday, 04/11/2025
Located at 1410 Waukegan Road, Glenview, IL
Suite 100
Call us today! 847•730•5127
Movement Classes for children of all ages!
Parent and Tot, Creative Movement,
Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Acro
Pom, Lyrical, Contemporary, Modern
Strength & Stretch, Leaps & Turns

Sideline Cheer

Located at 1750 Glenview Road in Shoppers Row Plaza
Questions about Elite Talent Performance Groups or Competitive Dance?
Email Miss Nabi at:
Adult Dance and Fitness Classes
Liability Waiver and Assumption of Risk
The dance tutorials and lessons provided by NorthShore Elite Talent and and NorthShore Dance Collective (and are for educational and entertainment purposes only. Dancing is not without its risks, and this or any other dance tutorials and lessons may result in injury. They include but are not limited to: risk of injury, aggravation of a pre-existing condition, or adverse effect of over-exertion such as muscle strain, abnormal blood pressure, fainting, disorders of heartbeat, and very rare instances of heart attack.
To reduce the risk of injury, before beginning this or any dance tutorials or lessons, please consult a healthcare provider for appropriate safety precautions. As with any dance program, if at any point during your lessons you begin to feel faint, dizzy, or have physical discomfort, you should stop immediately and consult a physician.
In consideration of participating in the dance tutorials and lessons, you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless NorthShore Elite Talent and and NorthShore Dance Collective (and and its Owners, Artistic Directors, Instructors, Teaching Artists, members, employees, and agents, and their respective successors and assigns, against any loss, liability, damage, cause of action, cost, or expense of any nature whatsoever, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees and other legal costs. NorthShore Elite Talent and and NorthShore Dance Collective (and disclaims any liability from and in connection with the dance tutorials and lessons on this website.